Control Skills

In ​ Just one weekend of RoadCraft training can update and refresh your ridding skills.
At RoadCraft’s  closed-course practice range, learn to understand and respond to the feedback from your motorcycle. Use the controls in the optimal way to make riding effortless. Understand the capabilities and limitations of your motorcycle. Slow speed control, tight turns, assertive counter-steering & emergency collision avoidance techniques are all covered. We see riders on all bikes, from touring, cruiser and adventure bikes to sport touring and sport bikes. You’ll grin from ear to ear when you learn what you are capable of doing on your motorcycle. RoadCraft courses feature innovative training techniques based upon over 50 years of professional motorcycle and traffic safety training experience at all levels by the organization’s founders. Regardless of your current level or riding proficiency, our leading edge training programs can increase your confidence and make you a safer, more skilled rider. If you’d like more information about our programs that you can’t find here, or if you’d like to register offline, email us at: or call us at 778-726-2025.